Meeting of Central European Cyber Security Platform 2014

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…on the first anniversary the 3rd meeting is held in Vienna

Representatives of Governmental, National and Military Teams dealing with “Computer Security Incident Response” as well as National Security Authorities and National Cyber Security Centres from Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, who gathered in Vienna for the third meeting of the Central European Cyber Security Platform (CECSP), consider the concrete progress in the one-year cooperation in cyber security field.

Cyber Security Platform (CECSP)

CECSP was founded in May 2013 on the initiative of Austria and the Czech Republic. The aim of the Platform is to enable the information, best practices, lesson learned and know-how sharing about cyber threats and potential or (un)successfully carried out cyber-attacks. Furthermore, the Platform shall contribute to the capacity and capability building through common trainings, education, exercises and the research and development coordination. Finally, the participating states strive for harmonized positions in the international environment.

Due to the potential sensitive nature of the information in sharing activities the creation of secure communication channels to avoid information leakage and to react in minimum of time will be discussed. Common cross boarder cyber exercises shall be established as well as practical working groups on demand.


So far the CECSP-meetings were largely devoted to trust-building, mutual acquaintance and exchange of information on the respective country-situation. The priorities of the meeting in Vienna are on the one side the adoption of a working program for the CECSP for the next three years and an agreement about the principles in the cooperation within the CECSP. The results of the Vienna CECSP meeting shall be tested at the first joint cyber exercise in June 2014.

Future Objectives

In the future the objective of the CECSP is setting up a level of transnational cyber awareness and risk management. This shall be achieved by permanently working on mutual trust and activating the processes of cooperation.